Saturday, January 31, 2009

Obrigado Grumpy Willy

Deixo aqui algo ja com uns meses de idade. Os agradecimentos da minha tese para inspirar o Tiago em que tambem vos agradeco a todos e em particular ao Grumpy Willy. Voces sabem quem é...Penso ter sido a qualidade destes agradecimentos que me deram a distincao no final : )

Abraco a todos

This work would never have been completed without the comprehensive and unrelenting help of Professor Scarlett Cornelissen, Christopher Burke’s pinpoint advice and Antonio’s precise corrections. Of course the genesis of this thesis was my inspiring experience at the Centre for Chinese Studies at Stellenbosch University. To those who shared that “kitsch” red office with me I owe the triggering of a great passion and interest for the impact of China in Africa and the world.

Also thanks to all those who were interviewed and patient enough to attend to my curiosity in various conferences and meetings in South Africa and Portugal.

Special mention has to go to the entire PRIO crowd and the excitingly surreal journey from Norway to South Africa we shared in the last two years. They, together with my friends at Stellenbosch University Pol. Sci. understand, better than anyone, what this work means.

Huge thanks to my Mum, Jorge, family and childhood friends who were always there for me to get back to whenever I needed it, and particularly to “Grumpy” Willy, who helped me with organising the bibliography, and Carine, with whom I listened to ridiculously long sessions of Radio Mozambique.

Oyvind, Bryce and Graeme, thanks for making me laugh hysterically.


Gui said...

Sinto-me obviamente lisonjeado por ter ajudado na tese de um amigo que nasceu para o que está a fazer! És grande!
Continua na tua jornada por África e vê se regressas ocasionalmente para te tentar ganhar alguns jogos de PES :D

Grumpy Willy.

Francisco Pimentel said...

Lindo! Assenta-lhe bem o nome e merece muitas referências o nosso pequeno anão que é "Grumpy" (ou gay) demais para conquistar a branca de neve!

Gui said...

Xyko, vai mas é bater nhetas a pensar em mim :D